Anchoring & mooring

In addition to the ZIM Float system, we can offer the services of our certified partners who will ensure the best mooring and anchoring plan is developed for each project.

Mooring design and planning

ZIM Float has a basic mooring design which can be adapted to local water conditions and norms. A specific mooring plan is developed and implemented for each individual project.

  • Interactions between the system’s components and the mooring system are modelled and simulated for the project using a state-of-the-art engineering tool typically used for offshore installations.
  • The plan considers expected loads over the entire life of the ZIM Float installation. For example, regular wave conditions as well as irregular waves which are likely to occur based on the site’s environmental profile.
  • Before implementation, the mooring concept and design are checked and approved by our expert partners.
  • Once the design is approved, the mooring system is optimised and the corresponding anchor loads are calculated.
  • The mooring system can be adapted to the individual environment. For example, the anchoring can be onshore, near the shore, and/or beneath the plant.
Mooring Layout ZIM Float Floating PV SystemMooring Layout ZIM Float Floating PV System

Anchorage design and planning

Every project has individual anchoring requirements. Our certified expert partners will develop and implement an anchoring concept that is safe, economical, and tailored to local conditions.

  • An integrated solution is developed which ensures that boat routes around the system are not impeded by anchors or mooring lines. The design of ZIM Float enables anchors to be positioned onshore, near the shore, and/or under the plant.
  • Even in large-scale projects, only one to three anchors are required per MWp.
  • ZIM Float’s reinforced and integrated anchor boats offer a high level of safety and easy handling, without wasting surface area.
  • An optional flex element can be implemented to reduce shock loads on the system.
  • ZIM Float works with leading manufacturers of mooring equipment who can supply optimised anchoring equipment for floating PV installations.

Mooring and anchor installation

Once the mooring and anchorage plans are finalised, these components can be installed. Our approved partners develop an appropriate installation plan which considers the interplay of the mooring and anchorage components.

  • Our approved and experienced partners install the moorings and anchorage.
  • Anchors can be produced inhouse and tailored to the specific needs of each project.
  • Splicing of individual mooring ropes is performed on site.
  • A specially designed and GPS-driven installation boat can be used to accurately place anchors in water up to 70 meters deep.
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